Con el corazón lleno de gratitud Lesson Plan

  • Watch our video ¡Siéntete agradecido!
  • Afterward, have children turn and talk to a partner about things they are thankful for.
  • Read the magazine together.
  • Then play our ¡BAILA BAILA! video and move like turkeys!
  • Finally, use the Demuestra lo que sabes printable to assess comprehension and build early literacy skills.

Materials: A la caza de la gratitud skill sheet, paper, crayons, pencil

  • This activity is not only fun but also rewarding; kids may be surprised by the everyday things they are grateful for! It can be done at school or at home.

Kids can explore their environment, using the skill sheet as a guide. Can they find something they love to smell? It could be a f lower or play dough! How about something that’s their favorite color? It could be a bowl or a car!

Teachers or parents can help record each thing by writing it on the skill sheet. When the scavenger hunt is over, ask, “De todas las cosas que encontraste hoy, ¿por cuál te sientes más agradecido?” Have children draw a picture and label it with this sentence: “Doy gracias por...”